The growing globalization of markets worldwide, both in terms of raw materials and products of animal origin (meat, eggs, milk), requires companies to permanently improve their competitiveness, while society demands the consideration and integration of other factors in the productive system such as: more efficient and sustainable production, reduction of environmental impact, improvement of food safety and quality, and improvement of animal welfare.
The Catalan livestock sector has identified different objectives that would contribute decisively to increase its competitiveness and sustainability. One of these objectives is to improve the technification of livestock farms through techniques known as ‘smart farming’. These techniques include, among other actions, the collection, processing and analysis of data in livestock farms. With the help of TFT’S (Transverse Facilitating Technologies) the SMARTFARM project wants to achieve:
- An accurate control of animal feeding with the aim of reducing the total cost of production
- An efficient control of environmental contaminants that allows to know and reduce their impact on the environment
- An increase of the homogeneity of the animals of each lot, with the objective of reducing the economic losses
- Early identification of animal diseases, allowing to increase the productive performance and welfare of livestock
- An integrated management of the data generated in a farm to improve decision making
SMARTFARM project represents a simultaneous improvement of four key aspects for the livestock sector:
- The improvement of the alimentary efficiency and therefore a decrease of costs
- The significant reduction of the environmental impact of the current production systems
- The increase in food security and animal welfare
- The improvement of the profitability of the farms through the integration of the available information
SMARTFARM, is one of the projects of the COTPA (Comunitat Tecnologies Producció Agroalimentària) within the strategy of research and innovation for smart specialisation of Catalonia RIS3CAT.
R+D+I project RIS3CAT communities. Project number COMRDI16-1-0032.
This project is co-financed by the European Fund of Regional Development of the European Union within the framework of the FEDER operating program of Catalunya 2014-2020 and managed by ACCIÓ.