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In memoriam


“Sempre m’impressiona que m’impressionin coses quotidianes. Un dia arribo a  casa i em sorprèn la posta de sol. I el sol es pon cada dia. I despertar-me al matí amb els roses i vermells de la sortida del sol. I el sol surt cada dia. O la sortida de la lluna. Aquest matí, en tornar de passejar la gosseta, m’he quedat bocabadat amb l’explosió de flors de “prunus” del jardí. I el veig cada dia.

Quantes coses deixem passar davant nostre sense aprofitar l’oportunitat de sentir l’emoció que ens regala cada moment. I hi ha moments a la vida que, forçat a caminar més a poc a poc, descobreixes moltes coses tan emocionants com quotidianes. Disfrutem-les!”

Sergio Calsamiglia

Escrit al xat familiar de WhatsApp

20 de març de 2023

Sergio Calsamiglia Blancafort (1964-2023)

Calsamiglia graduated in veterinary medicine from UAB and pursued his master’s and doctoral studies at the University of Minnesota, in the United States. He was a member of the Animal Nutrition and Welfare Service (SNiBA) at UAB, specializing in the nutrition and management of dairy cattle.

Specifically, he focused on research in nutrition centered on ruminal microbial fermentation and its modulation, as well as additives for animal feed. He also conducted management research focused on developing mathematical models for dairy farms, aiming to assist in the decision-making process in farm management.

Esfuerzo, rigor, ilusión, conocimientos, inteligencia, empatía y generosidad son solo algunos apelativos que permiten describir el perfil profesional de Mariola.

Todos los que tuvimos la suerte de compartir nuestra vida profesional con Mariola estamos agradecidos de todo lo que nos enseñó tanto a nivel profesional como personal. Siempre perdurará su alegría, su complicidad, su amistad y su cariño.

(Ana Cristina Barroeta)

María Dolores Baucells Sánchez (1960-2012)

She was a Full Professor in the Department of Animal and Food Science at the Faculty of  Veterinary Medicine. She obtained her doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Zaragoza in 1990 with the thesis “Estimation of body composition in sheep based on the diffusion space of deuterium oxide: effect of physiological phase and feeding plan.”

As an expert in Animal Nutrition, she was responsible for the Nutrition and Dietetics Unit for Companion Animals at the Hospital Clínic Veterinari (HCV). In recent years, she directed all her efforts towards initiating, leading, and developing teaching and research in the field of Companion Animal Nutrition in collaboration with the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

She was also certified in Comparative Nutrition by the European College of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition (ECVCN) and a member of the Animal Nutrition and Welfare Service (SNiBA) attached to the RedIT (Network of Centers for Technological Innovation Support).